But today... today... is slightly different. So, I'm taking this class about Personal Effectiveness. I loved my class last year because my professor was cool like that and my new one is just as cool. YAY! Though, he has me writing a paper every after lesson. Still cool though.
I'll share a part of our assignment today to all of you. The thing is to create a... Stress Relief Kit or Wellness Kit. I have random stuff in here and I'm supposed to say how it helps me and when I use it. So of course, I have no real work but studying; thus, most are stressing on deadlines and little details.
~Stress Relief Kit~
1. At the lower right, you’ll see a sachet of tea. I drink this every night when I have a big exam and/or project in the making.
2. The book shows how I deal with my diet. Medically, I cannot be any heavier. Also, learning new things help calm down for some reason.
3. Then, there is a pack of mints because fresh breathe has a good feeling to it. Usually I chew on some before publicly speaking or meeting new people.
4. Then, I have nail polish and a paintbrush. Art is a way for me to release pent up stress and emotions so whether the art be on my fingers or paper is good enough for me. I do this usually when I’m stuck in a paper and I just have to let my mind wander.
5. The bookmark at the lower left signifies reading books outside of my studies because I like being teleported away from the reality from time to time.
6. The sleeping pack is like a sleeping mask. As a girl, I just love how it cools my face after feeling so frustrated from not being able to accomplish what I want.
7. The rosary is something I have almost the whole day. Because, at the end of the day, I can only ask that what I’ve done is the best I could and hope that God sees that as well.
So much words... have a little art from stress!
~Simple Tree with Purple Flowers~
And, something my friend, Elilea, handed to me around a week ago.
~Ahh, little charms!~
And, I'm off...
In my kit: Sleeping Pack, Clear Nail Polish and Lavender Nail Polish from Etude House. Light Blue Lucid Nail Polish from Missha. Jasmine Blossom Green Tea from Stash. Jasmine Flavored Mints from Mint Q. Random Paintbrush. Hanbok Bookmark from Korea. Colored Rosary from somewhere.