
October 27, 2011

Apparently, I am going away again this weekend.

This time I'll be bonding with my family and I've got my brother to do all these sort of activities with me since he's like a friend to me. Awww...

But really, I am very thankful for my little brother who is really much much taller than me. And, a lot of people say that he's handsome (kill me now!). I've rarely mentioned my brother here since he's always so busy with either studies or PS3 or out with his friends, so yea, my brother has a more active social life than I did back in highschool. BUT BUT! I tell him which games to buy. (^o^)

~Photo of the Day: Random Post about my Brother~

Info about my brother: We celebrate the same birthday though he's five years younger. He's taller than me currently by around three inches. Baker. Gamer. Smart if he wants to be. Actually gets along with my friends. Sometimes I feel like he's my twin, my mother was just late. And yea, we don't look anything alike.

If you ask us what we'd like to trade with each other, it would be the skin color. Yeap, he hates his pinkish skin color and I'm not happy with my yellowish skin color. All in all, we're good on everything.

Oh, and this guy doesn't have a lot of scars (except for the one on his forehead which you will never see) since our mom will be so mad if we have a scar on us.

~My brother~

On the other hand, I've already gotten my "costume" and it's not even much of a costume, just a different look from me. I've still got one more midterm to pass tomorrow and I am free from all the studying!

As for where I'll be this weekend, Saturday here in Manila fixing up for Madz's debut. Then, from Sunday to Monday, I'll keep you guys posted.


my brother is weird. love you bro!

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