
June Project: Photo a Day Challenge - Week One

Originally my blog was supposed to be a photoblog, but then I can't seem to shut myself up even with posts. Then, I saw this post from my friend, Lea and I thought why not, it'll be fun. I may not be using a high tech SLR or an iPhone but a Sony DigiCam is all I've got. And, I gotta deal with it!

This challenge was originally from Chantelle. I don't know her personally but her page looks amazing.

June 1 - Morning

I rise up earlier than the morning sun.

June 2 - Empty

Emptied chocolate jars are the saddest.

June 3 - On Your Plate

Yum yum, Japanese food. So healthy and delicious.

June 4 - Close Up

How close are you with art?

June 5 - Sign

This sums up my lunch... literally.
Edited with effects at Pixlr.

June 6 - Hat

 Vintage... Bear is vintage

June 7 - Drink

Yakult Green Tea, anyone?*

And, this ends the first week of the photo a day challenge.

*How to make Yakult Green Tea? It's easy... for a small serving (like mine):

  1. Have the green tea set in a glass of water (with the water being less than half of the amount of Yakult that you'll be using, or... you could experiment). This will probably take 2-3 minutes so you get a strong flavor of the tea. Side note: You could also use Ceylon tea for this...
  2. Mix in the Yakult... and you're done! TA-DAH!!!
    • If you want it sweeter (though I think it's already so sweet), you could add in honey to the mix.
    • If you have loose tea, they'll taste better (and take a longer time to prepare) but for a quick pick-me-up, you could follow this.
Milk Teas, Yakult Teas... Whatever they mix with teas these days, just amps up the popularity of tea. I've been a big fan with steaming hot tea, so when I tried the popular milk teas that popped up everywhere... I was hooked. But, what got me most was when Yakult got mixed in to the concoction. Now, that made me smile. Like... thiss.... ^____^

PS I suggest you only drink this once a day 'cause well... in that little bottle of Yakult and the extracted tea, you get all the benefits enough for the whole day! In conclusion, drinking more just equals one less Yakult for the week. Or have some Green Milk Tea?

That's to the end of the week,

yes, i have a slight addiction to tea...

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