
January 24, 2012

I'm running out of things to talk about lately.

So, hi! Where should I start? Hmmm, this is hard. I should ask for people to give me topics to talk about next time.

~Photo of the Day: Seriously, a beauty post?~

I found this topic on Yahoo! Philippines, and obviously there's already an article about it. I'll just give out opinions or advice, whether I've done it or not, and all that stuff. Basically, this is another beauty post. Here's the article I'm talking about... "Beauty Myths, Busted"

Menstrual Blood... On your Face. EW! I never did this no matter what my mother and grandmother said when I had my period for the first time. It really is gross and gosh, I can't even imagine myself doing that.
Cure? To get clearer skin, I believe one should choose their own cleanser (in my case I use oatmeal or Dove, never Ponds because I'm horribly allergic), exfoliate, and drink lots of water. We should all know that drinking water keeps us moisturized. Exfoliating helps to remove dead skin cells so that the healthy skin cells would come out. I exfoliate once every two weeks or when the event calls for it.

Chocolates = Acne. Not always. It depends really on how your body reacts to certain foods. I get a lot of pimples eating nuts, because I abuse the nuts by eating more than a handful every time it's available. Not a good idea everyone. But, I do eat chocolate a lot of times before and it doesn't necessarily equal to pimples. Some are just a tad bit more sensitive when it comes to chocolate. As to nuts, the same applies that it's all up to your diet. It's very safe to say that chestnuts do not cause me much acne. Cashew nuts have a very little affect on me. And, peanuts, including peanut butter, give me the most problem.
Conclusion. Know what types of food go best with your body. Your face's condition, whether it takes on rashes or acne, will let you know what you ate wrong. If it's your favorite food, try eating less of it.

Toothpastes Kill Pimples. It does the job of drying it up but it's the best remedy for it. I'd rather go on with my day with a pimple than trying to kill it with a dab of toothpaste. Because, toothpastes have a very bad history when it comes to me. Toothpastes have chemicals that are ready to prevent cavities and clean out your mouth. Now, if that  pea-sized thing can somehow kill 99.9% of germs, I have a feeling that it'll kill your skin cells too, especially those with sensitive skin.
Cure? Use a cream or gel that's especially for pimples. Don't try experimenting with lipsticks, toothpastes and do not poke it. Go to a dermatologist if it gets worse. They know what they're doing.

Brush you Hair... A Hundred Times. I've read a lot of articles disproving this thought. I am too lazy to actually count to one hundred while brushing my hair. At most, I go for fifty but not always. The reason is because the more you brush, your hair will get totally abused. It's like when you try to take away a stain, you end up ruining your clothes instead.
Conclusion. Brush your hair 'til it shines. No more, no less.
Pores Shrinkage. I am totally worried about this because, though I love my dad, he doesn't exactly have the best skin. That's why I really freak out when it comes to my face. The size of your pores are claimed genetically so you're not at fault... your parents are.
Cure? Use cleansers and toners. Toners help your pores to "close" when you've done some exfoliation or pimple removal. And, lay off of whatever could cause you acne.
Well, these are usually Pinay myths. I've heard all of these in my own lifetime. One that I know of is, using calamansi or lemon to remove dandruff (tried that, it stings and not a very good remedy). With the pollution in Manila, I suggest you be very careful when you commute. Pollution is [like] the habitat for bad skin. So, keep a daily regimen for a healthy skin, some people need more products, and some need less, every person reacts to a product.

Stay pretty everyone.

it's just a few weeks 'til valentine's!

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