
September 14, 2011

I'm an Accountancy student, and proud of it.

Well, if you could still be proud of your course when you've failed twice on the basics, then you've got to be either very very determined or stupid enough to continue. I've failed twice, so yeah... I'm either determined or delusional. (O.O)

I've begun reviewing the first of three basic accounting subjects for my qualifying exam happening at the end of the term and, when I say reviewing, I'm the kind who needs to see and do what I'm studying (a visual and kinesthetic learner). Long story short, I'm rewriting my notes. And there's a lot, I'm telling you. (-__-") BUT! I have to do this if I want to be a Certified Public Accountant (CPA) here... then, I would have study again if I ever want to become a CPA in the US.

So, I'm going to finish the first of three, then I could focus on word problems.

~Photo of the Day: Cookie Monster Cupcake 
from a website called Lost at E Minor~

Let's talk about cupcakes! Cupcakes are easy to make, simply mix all ingredients, then put them in the oven, make sure to take it out on time and TA-DAH! you have a cupcake... a rather plain cupcake. (^_^)

Decorating a cupcake is hard, the more designs the harder. My brother and I tried, and let me tell you... we failed. Playing with fondant to design a cake would be much easier. See, we had to make icing from confectionery sugar and being amateurs we couldn't perfect it, and settled for what we created.

So, my brother bought a lot of stuff to redo the cupcake experience. This includes a ton of flour, some pre-made Betty Crocker and the very plain yet useful cake flour. Some food coloring in red, blue and yellow so he could mix it to make different colors. A new spatula thingy, the one for mixing... I don't know what it's called. But since school started, he's too busy to venture on cupcake territory and is playing around with brownies instead. Hopefully, he makes a batch on Halloween or something. \(^o^)/

Let's all have a cupcake!

wishing for cupcake...

~~Song of the Day: Big Bang Theory's Theme Song~~

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